Planning Successful Chess Project

By | January 30, 2022

Whether you are organising a chess club, a chess themed event, a competitive tournament or a school programme, it takes considerable effort to ensure that a chess project is successful. We have considerable experience in organising chess projects and wish to share this with you. It is essential that you follow a professional approach to project management. In addition, there are some considerations reflecting the chess aspects of the project. We have prepared this guide on how to plan and run a successful chess project.

To inspire you with what is possible, we have brought together descriptions of some chess projects in recent years which have made an impact.  We would also draw your attention to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union which has funded several international chess projects. We provide some guidance on applying for Erasmus+ funding. We also outline how to organise a fundraising event. It is important to support any funding applications with data and we have gathered studies and surveys of interest. 

In order for chess to expand in schools, a professional approach is required, taking into account the latest pedagogical methods and educational research. The ECU endorses a range of teacher training courses covering chess in primary school, chess for early years and chess and mathematics. 

Guide – How to plan a chess project

During the last few years, the popularity of chess has increased enormously. The question is how to take the next steps in the economic development of chess as a game, an educational intervention and as a sport. The chess community needs to use professional methods of project management to bring about the desired quantum leap in the roll out of chess.

On this webpage we have tried to gather the most important advice on fundraising and project management, combined with presentations of successful chess projects that can inspire.

Building a successful chess project requires a structured approach, careful planning and precise management. In the digital brochure below that will guide you through the process: